Today is the birthday of two of my children. No, they are not twins. He was born on her fourth birthday.
At the time, she wasn't thrilled. After all, he spoiled her birthday party. Her birthday happened to fall on Sunday, so we were having relatives from out of town for a special party. By that age, she was able to understand party.
Happily, things have warmed between them. As adults, they are best of friends. And they are of an age where a large party is no longer THE thing to do.
Coincidentally, it is also my grandparents' wedding anniversary. Both of them are long gone, but each year when this day comes I remember.
Occasions and remembrances.
This is the year to make them special for your family and friends. Sunday we will have our annual mountain oyster fry. The house will be full of friends and family. No one will say or do anything spectacular. But we will all feel the joy and the love of a large circle of support.
May your year be filled with joyful occasions. Good times to remember.